Fun Ways to Live Long

We all know the key to a long healthy life is something called healthy life style. Everyone is talking about it now days. For sure a healthy life style is all about good, planned diet and regular exercise but who has the time to implement these things in life and then stick to them. We all can bring out hundreds of excuses of not exercising and relying on junk food despite we all want to live long by having a healthy life style. The basic problem is that we get bored of the routine, same bore food in the name of healthy diet and those tiring work outs. So why not bring out some fun in all this? Which could help you to lead a healthy life in an easy and enjoyable way? We are going to provide you some suggestions and tips using which, soon you’ll be having a healthy life style without any exertion to your being. Before doing anything you must get to know where you stand. Check your weight according to body weight index and decide how much weight you need to lose or put on. Take a no...