THE WALK (Part 1)

It was a fine Friday. Fine in terms that my regular official meeting was cancelled due to some reasons and I had a whole day free. It was raining since morning and it was getting cold and cold but I am a mad guy who loves rain. Also I had to see my long distance beloveds, The Thames and The Tower Bridge. I left home at about 2 pm in the noon, and instead of taking the bus or the tube, I decided to walk for as long as I can. I personally like walking for as long distance as I can, not to keep me fit, not to save money but because I can observe better while I am walking and I can easily get lost in the streets which is what I want. The first stop I made was at the white chapel gallery. Frankly I had expected more from this gallery, it was good but not as good as I expected. Another reason can be that I do not know much about art. Well I liked their video gallery and also the video which was being aired over there which was something like “Not an Ordinary Protest”. It was...